Ägypten 16. April 2018

#ReopenNadeem: Solidarity campaign for the unwavering women from Egypt

For over 20 years the Nadeem Center in Cairo has been documenting torture by Egyptian security forces and providing medical and psychological treatment to torture survivors at its specialist clinic – the only one of its kind in the country.

Despite all the obstructions by the Egyptian government the four brave women  keep up their work. They work in constant danger, with the ever-present risk of being arrested. They need our solidarity – now and for the whole world to see. Public attention is their best protection.

You can help by getting involved in our solidarity campaign! We want to show Aida, Suzan and the other employees of the Nadeem Center that we stand shoulder to shoulder with them, supporting them in their tireless efforts against torture and the defence of human rights.

How to get involved:

  1. Write our demands clearly on the index and middle finger of one hand: #ReopenNadeem and/or #StopTorture/#StopFolter;
  2. Take a photo/selfie of your victory gesture so the words are easy to read (if you don’t want to be identified, you can just photograph your hand with our demands);
  3. Post the photo on your Facebook/Twitter/Instagram account with the following message in German and/or English:

#Weneedtotalk: In ägyptischen Gefängnissen wird routinemäßig gefoltert. Doch die Regierung leugnet das und hat die einzige Klinik zur Behandlung von Folterüberlebenden geschlossen. Ich fordere: #ReopenNadeem and #StopFolter in #Ägypten

#Weneedtotalk: Torture is routine in Egyptian prisons. But the government denies this and has shut down the only clinic treating torture survivors. I demand: #ReopenNadeem and #StopTorture in #Egypt

IMPORTANT: When posting on Facebook or Twitter, include the Nadeem Center’s handle (@elnadeem) and the addressee of our campaign, the Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (@AlSisiofficial), so both receive your messages.

How will the Nadeem Center employees get to see your pictures?

We will of course keep them updated on the campaign, so that they can also follow activities using the hashtag #ReopenNadeem or via their profile @elnadeem.

If you want, you can also email us a photo to team.kampagnen@amnesty.de. At the end of the campaign in July we will make a large poster out of all the solidarity photos and present it to the Nadeem Center. Don’t forget to write in the email that you agree to your photo being used for this purpose.

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